
Friday, November 06, 2009

Everything in its Right Place

Sarah Sze
Things Fall Apart
"010101: Art in Technological Times"

Sarah Sze is a contemporary visual artist (and winner of a MacArthur Fellowship in 2003) who creates unique, site-specific sculptures and installations which make use of ordinary technological and scientific objects.

Even the details in Sarah Sze’s sculptures have details. All her installations are extraordinarily ambitious and are constructed with fastidious precision, consequently, her output is relatively small compared with many other artists. Everything in its Right Place, 2002–03, is one of her most important and most ambitious works.


The multitude of small parts in Sze’s Everything in its Right Place shifts us away from a panoramic spectatorship to inspection mode. The site-specificity of Sarah Sze’s work is best understood through the idea of environments created by overarching structures of collection and models, where narratives and nostalgias intersect as property and space, affecting us through the flickering effect of their soaring elegance and beauty.
And then we have the ever-optimistic Thom York of Radiohead, who has a different idea of the concept...

Everything, everything, everything, everything..
In its right place
In its right place
In its right place
In its right place

What, what is that you try to say?
What, what was that you tried to say?
Tried to say.. tried to say..
Tried to say.. tried to say.. tried to say...

Everything In Its Right Place

Beating Heart - Scott Becker Multimedia


  1. Sarah Sze's work is outstanding. I'm not sure about Bree Yenalavitch's room piece. Perhaps it does not work unless you are there and walk around. I was a bit turned off by the panel showing light going into the eye and then directly into... the frontal lobes!

  2. Sarah Sze is an awesome talent.

    Bree's brain was more on topic but not anatomically accurate, as you noted. Perhaps she was trying for the optic chiasm? But yeah, the frontal lobes aren't exactly the first lobes to "light up"...

  3. Looks amazing, it's a pity that the photos on her website are pretty small.

    Speaking of Thom Yorke, he has just come on my iTunes, as it turns out he did a guest appearance on PJ Harvey's song "This Mess We're In". It is very good.
