
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

...always sardonic (and occasionally scathing).

The Neurocritic is very pleased about this wonderful review from Nikhil Swaminathan in the February 2008 issue of Scientific American Mind:

Blogs on the Brain
by Nikhil Swaminathan

Scientific American Mind offers up a hearty helping of science, but for the most voracious brain buffs six issues a year may not be enough. Fortunately, plenty of extra crumbs of brain candy can be picked up online in the blogosphere.

. . .

For a blog with more personality, try The Neurocritic, which is always sardonic (and occasionally scathing). According to his bio, the anonymous author has led a hard-knock life, and he works out his hostility by excoriating scientists and journalists who dare to sensationalize findings. In November he jumped on the authors of a New York Times op-ed over the dubious results of their fMRI study regarding people’s perceptions of the 2008 presidential candidates.


Also reviewed are these terrific blogs: Cognitive Daily, Mind Hacks, PsyBlog, The Frontal Cortex, and Channel N.


  1. I love it when you're scathing... congratulations. :D

  2. Thanks. Nice that Channel N was mentioned as well.

  3. As far as I can tell, the Neurocritic is not at all scathing, unless "honest" is a synonym for "scathing" these days. But "congratulations" is still appropriate.

  4. Why thank you! I'm "scathingly" grateful.
