
Friday, February 02, 2007

Corporate Cognitive Neuroscience opposed to Academic Cognitive Neuroscience?? Hmm, which one might have better funding?
*** Call for Papers ***
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

"The social cognitive neuroscience of corporations:
Towards a corporate cognitive neuroscience"

Social cognitive neuroscience is an emerging branch of cognitive neuroscience that bridges together social psychology and neuroscience. At its core is an understanding of the relationship between the brain and social interaction. There has been an explosion in applying cognitive neuroscience to understanding (and improving) organizations and business relationships. By examining behavior in the organizational and business world we can study both macro and micro social behavior in an applied setting. Empirical reports that examine this relationship are invited for a special issue of the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences to be published in the fall of 2007.

This special issue will set the agenda for future research in the new field of corporate cognitive neuroscience and help both new and established researchers view the current 'state of the art' in this emerging area. We encourage authors in any business discipline, or sub discipline of cognitive neuroscience, to submit an article.
At least one can recognize the coining of a new phrase...

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