Encephalon 14, available now at Mixing Memory. Some strange bedfellows...
...it appears that brain imaging and psychoanalysis are coming together somewhere in the cognitive neuroscience world, as Dr. Deborah Serani mentions an imaging study of transference in a post titled "Map of the Mind."Ah, the new field of Freudian Neuroimaging,
Symposium II: Scanning The Brain For Transference?:
Using fMRI To Explore The Neurobiological Underpinnings Of The Core Of Psychoanalysis
will debut at
Actually, here's a publication on the topic by one of the investigators, Bradley S. Peterson:
Clinical neuroscience and imaging studies of core psychoanalytic constructs. Clinical Neuroscience Research Volume 4, Issues 5-6 , May 2005, Pages 349-365.And what's with that newfangled fad of brain fitness? Why, the world's foremost authority is not mentioned in Encephalon 14!
Core psychoanalytic constructs may be impossible to study directly using neuroscience and imaging methodologies. [OK, let's all go home now.] Nevertheless, experimental paradigms have been developed and are being applied that are at least relevant to understanding the neural bases of certain core theoretical constructs within psychoanalysis. These paradigms have demonstrated the likely contributions of: (1) the nucleus accumbens and related limbic circuitry in assigning valence within the pleasure/unpleasure continuum of affective experience; (2) the reticular formation, thalamus, amygdala, and cortex within arousal circuits in assigning personal salience to those affective experiences; (3) frontostriatal systems in subserving top-down processing in the CNS, which in turn contributes to numerous important psychological functions, including the control of drives and the construction of experience according to preestablished conceptual schemas—processes that likely underlie cognitive distortions, projection, and transference phenomena; and (4) multiple memory systems, particularly the procedural learning systems based within the dorsal striatum and declarative learning systems in the mesial temporal lobe, that likely contribute to memories within the domain of the descriptive unconscious, and the interactions across affective and cognitive memory systems, that might contribute to memory formations within the dynamic unconscious.

Coming soon to a couch near you....
Basic Brain Care Tips
Mostly Brain care is useful and practical advise on looking after za noggin. It is not a good idea valking under large heavy objects being raised by cranes. Running around carrying hard pointed objects is not either recommended unless we are desiring some sort of amateur lobotomy. Helmets iss good, but zey are not too cool eh? Especially on za hot day. Vat about zose cellular telephones? Vell zey work on za microwaves no? But such tiny amounts iss not a problem says industry. Of course zose who are confident zat zese devises are harmless are also zose who vant to sell zem to you. Ziss is a bit of a conflict. Let me illustrate ziss situation for you.
Haha... I was hoping you might take up the transference thing. Hosting that carnival is harder than it looks. I didn't want to exclude anyone, but there were so many posts about which I ... umm... didn't have anything nice to say. So I just stuck 'em in and moved on to the next post.
ReplyDeleteYou did a nice job. There were quite a few submissions for this edition... better than too few. A neuroblog carnival every week was just too much.