alternative time consciousness platform
Here's a really alternative conception of time...
Reproduced from THE ORDER OF TIME.

Statement of Purpose
The purpose of this site is to give clear and unequivocal instruction on the filognosy as proposed by The Order of Time. The Order of Time proposes for the science, politics, spirituality, personal interest, art and surfing of an alternative of time-consciousness. For that purpose it has developed e-books, designs, articles, definitions, timetables, a humanities directory for searching the net and even a game for searching on your identity for your life's mission. The complexity and diversity of The Order of Time might obscure the simplicity of its basic premises. To be clear about this simplicity this site offers straight questions and answers of a basic nature that will explain the concepts of consciousness, discipline, duality, liberation, order etc.
There's also a book of rules:
The Other RulesThese rules cover not only Daily Life, but also Dating, Relations (rule y: Avoid free sex, intoxicants, financial speculation and the use of animal), Sport (rule j: Always shower), and most importantly, Making Love:
How to be in love with the world (and her)
h) If you think you don't need: accept things going bad.The copyrights of the materials at this site are settled thus that each may use and copy them freely, provided it is done without a profit-motive.
Sex is, once conditioned to it a need. It makes a balance of neurotransmitters in the brain, a balance of energy and foodintake in the body, a balance of associations in society and a certain type of duty to the Godhead of worship, the political leader, scientific paradigm or even a climate. Sometimes the fix of sexual behavior is called life, while others call it a kind of death as nothing seems to happen outside the line of sexual conditioning: one does not really develop other interests or intelligence. Also creativity can be seriously blocked attached to certain perversions finding no resistance or genius.
v) Care for love-play after the climax.
Just as important not to be egoistically after sexual gratification it is also important to share the success of achieving on a higher level of discharge. Many people simply use others at the 'way to the top'. But the other is not simply a staircase or a sex-object to be discarded after success. It is because of the support of the government, the spouse, the teachers, the religion, the culture of whatever that one could achieve. Gratitude is a very important value in the appreciation of as well the sexual orgasm as a societal success. ... Sexual orgasm and societal success go together also although it is somewhat of a paradox to be a cultural success and a intimate success at the same time. Usually success of sexual people is made by celibates working behind the screen. [MY EMPHASIS]
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