Sunday, May 31, 2020

The COVID Stress Scales

Danger. Deprivation. Xenophobia. Contamination. These are some of the fears related to COVID-19. Scores of COVID questionnaires have popped up recently to assess fear, anxiety, stress, and depression related to the novel coronavirus and its massive disruption to daily life. Most are freely available for use as research tools, but few have been validated and peer reviewed.

The COVID Stress Scales (CSS) developed by Taylor and colleagues (2020) were recently published in the Journal of Anxiety Disorders. The authors propose a new COVID Stress Syndrome, and present evidence that the CSS subscales are intercorrelated (which is suggestive of a “coherent” condition).

To develop the CSS, representative samples of people in Canada (n=3,479) and the US (n=3,375) completed a 58-item survey on Qualtrics. Factor analysis identified five subscales...
  1. COVID danger and contamination fears
  2. COVID fears about economic consequences
  3. COVID xenophobia
  4. COVID compulsive checking and reassurance seeking
  5. COVID traumatic stress symptoms

...and limited the questionnaire to 36 items. I'll note that “fears about economic consequences” were restricted to a lack of supplies at grocery stores and pharmacies, rather than fears of crushing debt, eviction, hunger, and homelessness because of unemployment.

One can view this new syndrome as a context-related extension of OCD contamination fears, compulsive checking, and health anxiety (preoccupation with the possibility of serious illness). Indeed, convergent validity was confirmed by showing correlations with established measures of those conditions. Unique aspects of COVID Stress Syndrome not seen in other diagnoses include fears that grocery stores would run out of toilet paper,1 and especially a fear of foreigners (xenophobia). Xenophobia is promulgated by politicians and amplified by bad actors on social media and IRL. I don't think xenophobia (specifically, anti-Asian sentiment) is on the list of symptoms for any DSM diagnosis.

Basically, it seems that a coherent condition called COVID Stress Syndrome would require racist beliefs and a fear of people who are Chinese, Chinese-American, or Chinese-Canadian.2 The prevalence of COVID Stress Syndrome in their Canadian and American samples was not specified, nor was the cut-off point for such a diagnosis. Plenty of Americans are xenophobic, but they don't have bad dreams about coronavirus.

In an editorial, Taylor and Asmundson (2020) said:
It appears that people who develop COVID Stress Syndrome have pre-existing psychopathology, particularly pre-existing high levels of health anxiety and obsessive-compulsive checking and contamination symptoms. It remains to be seen whether the COVID Stress Syndrome is simply an adjustment disorder, abating once the pandemic is over, or whether it will become chronic for some individuals.

So much about COVID-19 “remains to be seen”, and this level of uncertainly is a major source of anxiety on its own.


1 The toilet paper question just missed the cut...included were worries about water, cleaning supplies, medications, etc. The original version also included “worry about looting & rioting.”

2 One could really say East Asian people more broadly. Or actually, anyone considered “Other”.


Taylor S, Asmundson GJG. (2020). Life in a post-pandemic world: What to expect of anxiety-related conditions and their treatment. J Anxiety Disord. 2020; 72:102231.

Taylor S, Landry CA, Paluszek MM, Fergus TA, McKay D, Asmundson GJG. Development and initial validation of the COVID Stress Scales. J Anxiety Disord. 2020; 72:102232.

Additional Scales (from a compendium of COVID questionnaires on Google docs)

Epidemic-Pandemic Impacts Inventory Racial/Ethic Discrimination Addendum (15 items).

COVID-19 Stressful events (13 items)

COVID-19 Concerns (9 items)

Coronavirus Stressor Survey (9 items)

CRISIS (The CoRonavIruS Health Impact Survey V0.3) - more here

Covid-19 Staff Needs and Concerns Survey (18 items)

COVID-19 Family Stress Screener (10 items)

ADDENDUM (June 1, 2020): MORE!

UCLA Brief COVID-19 Screen for Child/Adolescent PTSD

Fear of COVID-19 Scale (10 items)
Ahorsu DK, Lin CY, Imani V, Saffari M, Griffiths MD, Pakpour AH. The Fear of COVID-19 Scale: Development and Initial Validation. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 2020 Mar 27:1-9.
Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (5 items)
Lee SA. Coronavirus Anxiety Scale: A brief mental health screener for COVID-19 related anxiety. Death Studies. 2020 Apr 16:1-9.

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At September 03, 2020 12:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I plan on using the Coivd Stress Scale as a measure in my thesis given it has gone through the process of validated compared to some of the other Covid-19 specific scales that have popped up. However, I have not been able to locate a copy of the scoring instructions. If anyone has access to these or knows how to access a copy I would REALLY appreciate it if they could be sent to me.

Thank you in advance. :)

At October 02, 2020 9:03 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Have you found it? Im looking too....

At October 27, 2020 2:31 PM, Anonymous Christian Counseling said...

This pandemic really caused too much anxiety for people. Would also like to have a copy of the scoring instruction thanks

At November 13, 2020 6:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am looking for scoring instructions as well. I noticed in the original article, the authors indicated that they unit weighted the items to calculate scale scores. So, I believe this means you calculate 5 different scale scores by simply taking the average of the item responses. This would mean taking the average of the 6 items in 4 categories and taking the average of 12 items in the danger/contamination category.

My main question is whether it would be appropriate to also compute a single CSS composite score, and if so, how this should be done. The author's point out that the scales are intercorrelated and load onto a single higher order factor, thus supporting the notion of a "Covid Stress Syndrome." It would therefore seem appropriate to compute a single composite score. The author's also note that they did not reduce the "contamination and danger" scale to 6 items so that it would be possible to separate contamination from danger in the future. Although "contamination and danger" has double the items as the 4 other scales, it would seem appropriate that "contamination and danger" should only be given equal weight with the other scales in calculating a composite score. Therefore, I would think a composite score could best be calculated by summing the mean of each scale and dividing by 5. Curious to what other people think.


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